Are you ready?? Summer's almost over, the weather's getting cooler at the higher elevations, and the leaves are just about to turn.? Those who have never experienced the exhilaration of off-roading in the magnificent Rocky Mountains of Montana and Colorado may think that at summer's end there's nothing to do or see at 10,000 feet; how wrong they are!? Autumn is the time when nature takes a deep breath in the Rockies and prepares for the winter season by turning the aspen leaves a brilliant gold, the animals come out to mate, and the streams run clear and cold.? Time for you and your equally-adventuresome companions to jump into your off-road vehicle and head for the top of the world.
Off-roading in the Rockies is a risky adventure at any time of the year, but the fall can be particularly tricky unless you're well-equipped and know what you're doing.? It isn't a season for novice off-roaders; if you're new to this type of recreation, wait until next summer to tackle the peaks.? But if you're a well-seasoned off-roader, even at lower elevations, this is the perfect time to experience the glory of the season in a safe, practical manner.? Remember, in autumn there are less people around to winch you out of a ditch.? The Rocky Mountains are very unforgiving when the wind whips up and the temperature drops suddenly; you may find yourself coated with three inches of snow within an hour in mid-September.? When you travel roads that aren't really roads at all, you assume the risk of misadventure.
Extensive preparation is the key to safe autumn off-roading.? First, you need a four-wheel drive vehicle that you know how to drive.? And we're not talking about some kind of buff luxury car; we're talking about a real "utility" vehicle that may get dented and scratched, but will get you home alive.? If you're concerned about how your vehicle looks, leave it in the garage.? You'll be traversing the highest points in the Rockies, at least 10,000 feet - well above timber line and into the perpetual winter of permafrost tundra.? Your vehicle must be equipped with these basics:? a roll-bar on top in case you and your vehicle take a tumble, working seat belts, two spare tires (steel-belted, all-weather radials), three cans of extra gas, a hard grill on the front in case you have a close encounter with an elk, and a front-mounted winch that can automatically haul your vehicle out of a ditch, a fast-rising stream, or an unexpected pile of mud, snow, or ice.?
Manual winch is cheaper, sure.? But to haul a Jeep Cherokee out of a snow bank manually takes the strength of three grown men.? Pay the bucks; get the auto-winch.? Make sure you're very familiar with your vehicle; if you've just gotten a new one that you're dying to try out, do some practice runs at lower elevations before you head up the peaks so you're sure about how your vehicle performs and you don't find yourself having to guess what it will and will not do.? Get yourself the best CB radio you can afford, and equip it with a battery-operated power microphone so you can broadcast for help if you're stuck or injured.? Take two sets of extra batteries for the microphone.? Your antenna should be the "whip" type, not the "shortie" that magnetically adheres to your hood.? Tie the whip antenna down well to protect it from unruly trees.
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