Electronic digital timer capable of automatically setting the time of heating according to the quantity and kind of food being cooked.
The mechanical timer requires the timer needle to be manually rotated whenevercooking time is set, leading to a very much complicated operation. Since indication by the timer is always made solely by means of the needle, an actual lapse of time since the commencement of heating can not be found, if the needle is fixed at a pointof said set time. Conversely where the needle is made to move as time goes on, then it is impossible to trace an originally set time, giving rise to the erroneous observation of time indication on the panel of the timer or the incorrect setting ofcooking time. These errors have often caused the misunderstanding of the initially set time or the wide displacement of a set time from a desired value, resulting in insufficient cooking.
According to this invention there is provided an electronic range fitted with a high frequency generator which comprises a device for setting a value representing the quantity of food being cooked; a device for indicating said set value in theform of digits; a pulse generator; a device for varying the period of pulses generated by said pulse generator according to the quantity and kind of food being cooked; a counter for counting pulses from the pulse generator upon the commencement of afood-heating operation; and a device for bringing the operation of the high frequency generator to an end when a prescribed relationship arises between the counts made by the counter and a value denoting an originally set time.
A general electronic range sets a time of cooking food by a timer. In this case, heating time is set by searching for an optimum length of cooking time for the quantity and kind of food being cooked or by the experience or sense of a personundertaking cooking. Accordingly, the time of cooking the same quantity and kind of food varies from person to person using an electronic range, resulting in a failure to carry out proper cooking.
It is accordingly the object of this invention to provide an electronic range provided with a compact electronic digital timer which can automatically set a proper time of cooking or heating for the quantity and kind of food being cooked and,where required, indicate an originally set time as well as a lapse of time from the initial point of cooking time set in the form of digits.
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